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White Wines - The Most Popular
Wine. Not what you do when you don't get your way. What you drink with a fine meal. Well, maybe not what you drink, depending on your tastes, but what a lot of people drink. Some would say that there is nothing like a fine wine. So the question we're going to try to answer in this article is just what IS a fine wine?
Well, there is basically red wine and white wine. And since it's bad etiquette to mixed them together we're going to concentrate on what are considered the finest white wines in this article.
Naturally there will be experts who will disagree when it comes to what the finest white wines are but the following list is a pretty safe bet with most people.
One of the most popular white wines today is Pinot Grigio. The wine comes from the Northeast region of Veneto and Friuli. The tastes of this wine range from melon to pear and some even offer a subtle tropical or citrus fruit, often there is a honey or smoky flavor component as well. As for color, Pinot Grigio is typically a pale, straw-like yellow with some golden hues thrown in to boot. This wine goes very well with seafood, light pastas and cheese cracker combinations. Since this wine is fairly acidic itself, avoid drinking it with foods that are high in acid concentration, like citrus fruits or tomato-based recipes.
Another very popular white wine is what they call a Chardonnay. There are many types of these wines. These are what they call "low maintenance" wines that adapt well to a variety of climates which means that quite a bit of this wine can be produced, usually in the millions of bottles per year. Because of this you can get a good Chardonnay for around $10. Some of the more popular Chardonnay wines are Jacob's Creek, which goes great with chicken, veggies or shrimp, Eola Hills which is fine with grilled salmon or smoked tuna, Carmenet, which is wonderful with cheese, Round Hill, which is a great wine to have with pork and poultry and the list goes on and on.
Another very popular white wine is champagne. Yes, champagne is a white wine, just a very fancy one. There is a light taste and fizz to champagne that is unlike any other white wine. There is no denying that nothing tastes quite like champagne. That is why you will find this wine at the fanciest parties and gatherings and of course it is the drink of choice for New Year's Eve. The best champagnes are very expensive. They are derived from a blend of grapes such as Chardonnay, Pinot Noir or Pinot Meunier. Champagne is considered a sparkling wine, due to the bubbles, which are formed during a second fermentation process. This second fermentation takes still wine and seals in the carbon dioxide that is formed when yeast converts sugar into alcohol, making for millions of bubbles with no place to go. The most expensive popular champagne of today is Deutz 1990 Cuvee William Brut at $215 a bottle. So if you're going to drink a lot of champagne prepare a nice budget beforehand.
The above is only the tip of the iceberg of white wines but they are the most popular. In our next article we'll see what red wines have to offer for our tastes.
About the Author
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Wine
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White Wines - The Most Popular
Wine. Not what you do when you don't get your way. What you drink with a fine meal. Well, maybe not what you drink, depending on your tastes, but what...
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